Medical Translations

Every medical document expresses technical ideas using precise and specific terminology. This terminology must be followed at all times. Furthermore, medical translation is based on a wide range of specializations. As a result, you must find a qualified and experienced specialist to work on your project. In the same way that you would consult a cardiologist if you had a heart problem, you should have your document translated by a translator who specializes in the subject matter. It would be equivalent to contacting a general practitioner to perform surgery if you did not entrust your translation to an expert. Our medical translation agency will find this professional for you because we are well aware of the difficulties that any medical translation entails.


Errors and inaccuracies are to be prohibited in the field of medical and pharmaceutical translation. They have the potential to have serious consequences in terms of health, cost, and credibility. Don’t put your medical documents in the hands of just anyone! Only a specialist can translate a medical brochure, a work of general interest, a leaflet, or the dosage instructions for a new product.

Our Agency has provided excellent translation services for many years and has a large network of professional medical translators. The recruitment process is extremely stringent: translators are chosen based on their qualifications, experience, as well as their language and technical skills. They are tested on a regular basis throughout their partnership with our translation company in order to provide you with high-quality services. They’re all excellent linguists who have honed their working languages to perfection. They also know the Romanian regulations targeted by your medical and pharmaceutical documents like the back of their hand.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of medical translations that we deal with every day :

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